Monday, July 5, 2010

Nothing to report...

It has been several days since my last report. Work has kept me busy during the week and so far the weekends have been full of rain without fail. This 4th of July weekend has been dark, cold, windy, and rainy. So there hasn't been much of anything going on. We have realized that we need to go buy warm clothes sooner rather than later. I brought a small jacket up with me and SweetPea has been using a windbreaker. It's still shocking that it can get so cold in July! I'm sure this is considered warm to those that have acclimated but to the unitiated (especially when you are used to Alabama weather) that isn't the case.

We did see a Moose walking around base the other day. And on another note, right behind our soon-to-be house the woods start about 10 feet from the back fence. I noticed that about 100 yards down that woodline from our house is a sign posted that says, "Warning, Bear Activity". That should provide some photo ops!


  1. I know its stays light along time rite now but get ready it will be dark soon enough. I told you the trip was amazing and all what you would see on the way. wish i could trade places with you.

  2. I hear you, man. The trip WAS amazing, even though it was long. We took it pretty slow with roughly 250 - 350 miles most days. We've been out fishing several times already but haven't caught anything. I've had a bunch of trout roll on the dry fly but no takers. Hopefully, I'll change that soon!

  3. That fly fishing is awsome. There was a lake up there we use to fish at call quartse lake. We caught alot of trout there.

  4. Yeah, I'm trying to learn fly fishing. I can halfway cast without looking like an idiot now, so I can at least get some line out there. I caught my first fish today: a 5 inch Arctic Grayling! haha I was tickled just to catch something. I'm planning on picking up a canoe in the next couple weeks to get out on these lakes. Streams have SOME access (mostly wading) but most of the lakes are lined thick with trees. Water is crystal clear and just awesome. We also saw two big moose when we were driving across base today.

  5. I used to love to catch those fish with that ultralite tackle. we also use to catch some fish in the river called berbet. yeah you need a canoe and a good pair of waders. those moose are really big up close not like on tv.
