Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Day 8, Into the Wild...

We were up and early today with a 360 mile drive before us on the way into Dawson Creek, British Columbia. This was really our first day into the wild. Up until now, even when we drove through wilderness we stopped in big towns. From this point on out, the towns we're stopping in are smaller fort towns. Basically, a few hotels, restaraunts, and gas stations.

The first hundred or so miles was pretty much the same as the rest of Canada. Finally, we started seeing some large hills and rows of pine trees. We started seeing a lot of what I think are Birch trees, with their white trunks. They are all over the place and I can only imagine that they present quite a sight in the fall.

SweetPea was trying to fall asleep during the afternoon portion of the drive. Throughout the entire day my focus has been spotting animals. So when SweetPea fell asleep it occured to me that we had not worked out a system yet. Was I supposed to wake her up for anything, or only Moose/bears/large animals!? So, 20 minutes later she was deep asleep. Suddenly, I saw something large and brown moving right next to the roadway. I yelled for her to wake up, and the instant she stirred I realized it was a deer. Not a whitetail, but also not a bear or moose. She wiped the sleep out of her eyes, then turned to me, "don't wake me up for anything less than a bear or moose again." Ok, so now we have a system....

Anyway, we are in Dawson Creek, BC for the night. Tommorow we will head out for Fort Nelson, BC. Including tomorrow we have 5 days of driving. See you all on the other side!

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