Friday, June 18, 2010

Yet Another Recap

We are now in the Yukon town of Whitehorse. We are about 300 miles from the Alaskan border and another 300 on to Eielson AFB. We had planned to stop one more time, around the border and then finish the last 300 miles on our final day. However, after a fun night last night (more on that in a minute) we have decided we will just suck it up and press through on the last day.

We have been doing right around 300 miles a day. Some days are only 280ish and some are around 360. This leaves us plenty of free time in the evening and doesn't completely drain us. At this point however, we both are stricken with a complete lust to finish this trip and get to our destination! Two nights ago we were in Fort Nelson, BC. The next town after that was to be Watson Lake, Yukon Territory.

However, when we started looking for a hotel we found that there were virtually none. Everything that was available were of the motor-inn style you see along smaller highways in the lower 48. Not necessarily the places two yuppies like us want to stay. We ended up finding a really nice place that had an RV park and several small cabins. We reserved a cabin for when we arrive there later that day. We were to arrive Thursday night.

The cabin itself was very nice and clean. The only problem was that it was in the mid 70's and there was no AC in the cabins! You might remember I've been mentioning the growning daylight periods? Well, apparently we've finally gotten far enough north that nighttime no longer exists!

It was so bright out that we had to keep the blinds closed, which also happened to block any fresh air. We both fell asleep around 830 that evening. I woke up about 3 hours later, soaked in sweat. I had the bright idea (no pun intended, har har har!) to open the blinds and let some air in. Imagine my surprise when it looked like 3pm outside! So for the next few hours we slowly baked in the room, astounded that it was in fact not getting any darker. At around 130 it was still completely bright out. In fact, it was light as day out, but there was no sun out. Kind of like a really overcast day. Around 230 it was "dark". Actually, it looked like that part of sunset were the sun gets real low in the sky, and the higher part of the sky is dark, but real low in the sky/horizon it looks like sunset. It's hard to describe but that was exactly what it looked like out. It was dark, only...not. You could totally see without a light or anything. And then...30 or 45 minutes later it was sunrise. I woke up feeling like I'd spent the night in a Vietnamese torture camp...the sun never set and it was so hot!

Thankfully, tonight's hotel has AC and it is overcast out, so it shouldn't be too bad.

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